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1. Following on from our new sight reading book 'At First Sight'  Grades 1 to 5:

Here are sight reading examples for Grades 6 to 8 free to download


2. Young Guitarist's Progress Repertoire Series Parts 1 & 2 Backing Tracks @ slower speeds:

Here are slow & medium versions of the backing tracks at the end of these books.


3. Erratum for Guitar 3 part of Purcell - Rondeau from Period Pieces Part Two: Baroque (GM46)

Grade 6 Sight Reading

Written in the same format as the Grades 1 to 5 sight reading in our new book

'At First Sight ':


BUILDING BLOCKS - introduces new rhythms, musical terms & other requirements


EXERCISES - Exercises to practice new rhythms 

                       A test example with a 'what to look out for' chack list. 


EXAMPLES - At least one example for each of the main musical periods

                       Plus new, specifically written examples


Grade 6 Sight Reading

Grade 7 Sight Reading

Written in the same format as the Grades 1 to 5 sight reading in our new book

'At First Sight ':


BUILDING BLOCKS - introduces new rhythms, musical terms & other requirements


EXERCISES - Exercises to practice new rhythms 

                       A test example with a 'what to look out for' chack list. 


EXAMPLES - At least one example for each of the main musical periods

                       Plus new, specifically written examples

Grade 7 Sight Reading

Grade 8 Sight Reading


Written in the same format as the Grades 1 to 5 sight reading in our new book

'At First Sight ':


BUILDING BLOCKS - introduces new rhythms, musical terms & other requirements


EXERCISES - Exercises to practice new rhythms 

                       A test example with a 'what to look out for' chack list. 


EXAMPLES - At least one example for each of the main musical periods

                       Plus new, specifically written examples

Grade 8 Sight Reading

Young Guitarist's Progress Repertoire Series Part 1 (GM39)



There is always a dilemma as to what speed to record backing tracks. To overcome this below are slow & medium versions of the two backing tracks at the back of this book.


Alternatively go to the Speedshifter app at the ABRSM website which can adjust speeds to any requirements without altering the pitch.

(clever stuff!):


                      Track 72: Warrior Dance  - Slow version



                      Track 72: Warrior Dance  - Medium version



                      Track 73: First Blues - Slow version



                       Track 73: First Blues - Medium version

GM 39 cover scan

Young Guitarist's Progress Repertoire Series Part 2 (GM40)

There is always a dilemma as to what speed to record backing tracks. To overcome this below are slow & medium versions of the two backing tracks at the back of this book.


Alternatively go to the Speedshifter app at the ABRSM website which can adjust speeds to any requirements without altering the pitch.

(clever stuff!):


                       Track 51: Japanesse Garden  - Slow version



                       Track 51: Japanesse Garden  - Medium version



                       Track 52: Second Blues - Slow version



                       Track 52: Second Blues - Medium version



                       Track 53 : Castles in the Air - Slow Version



                       Track 53 : Castles in the Air - Medium Version



                       Track 54: Phrygian Iberian - Slow Version



                       Track 54: Phrygian Iberian - Medium Version

GM 40 cover scan

Period Pieces Part Two: Baroque (GM46)​




For some some reason the Guitar 3 part for Purcell - Rondeau is written an octave lower than it should be in the part. It is correct in the score and all other pieces in the Guitar 3 part are written in the correct octave.

Computers do strange things sometimes though it might have some thing to do with the person operating the computer!


Click below for the Guitar 3 Part written at the correct pitch for this piece: 

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